stolen from sam

1. What time is it? 9:15 2. Name as it appears on birth certificate: Lauren Elizabeth Pack 3. Nicknames: LP, jerk, LPSKI, Pack, June Bug 4. Piercings: each ear is double pierced 5. Eye color: brown…just like my dad 6. Place of birth: eville 7. Favorite food: I’m growing fond of mcdonald’s chicken nuggets again 8. Ever been to California? How random…but no 9. Ever been toilet papering? Yeah, but I always feel bad afterwards, except when it was Jerry and Mr. Bair..those were awesome times! 10. Love someone so much it made you cry? yeah 11. Been in a car accident? Yes, both times with my dad…haha, one of those times, it was because we were looking for those chains you make with starburst wrappers and he hit the car stopped at a red light in front of us 12. Croutons or bacon bits: croutons 13. Favorite day of the week: depends based on the week 14. Favorite restaurant: hacienda!!! Well, besides the apparent shylers 15. Favorite flower: ones that are appealing to the eye 16. Favorite sport to watch: I like to watch horse races at Ellis P….horses are beautiful 17. Favorite drink: mr mayes: would you drink a beer if your friends were? class: no… mr mayes: well, lets not say a beer, how bout a margarita? me: WELL THAT’S A DIFFERENT STORY! ..haha, no, umm, probably sprite at the time…or chocolate milk!! Yum yum! 18. Favorite ice cream: recently been into choco 19. Disney or Warner Bros: disney movies, but the warner brothers character things…don’t know how to explain 20. Favorite fast food restaurant: sonic, mcdonalds for in the morning!! 21. What color is your bedroom carpet? Well, used to be tan..but now, it’s a dark beige…lol 22. How many times did you fail your driver's test? OOH, never did!!! But the other two guys who were taking it at the same time I was failed…lol…and this other kid who finished as I started was taking it for his third time…sry, I’ll try to keep on track 23. Before this one, from whom did you get your last e-mail? Umm…didn’t get it in an email..but my last email was junk email anyway 24. At which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Some shoe store!! But not nice, finish line, shoe carnival, YAYAYA!! Lady Foot Locker, Journey’s!!! Oh, I wanna shop! 25. What you do most often when you are bored? Complain about being bored and sit around…sometimes do homework, but that’s only when I’m lazy and not bored 26. What is your bedtime? Whenever I’m tired…but my parents usually tell me to wrap stuff up around 10-11 27. Who will respond to this e-mail this email the quickest? This isn’t an email, actually 28. Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond? Not sending it to anyone 29. Favorite TV shows: Roseanne, The Nanny, Golden Girls, Law and Order SVU, good stuff like that 30. Last person you went out to dinner with: umm….Josh, Abby, and Lauren to Ihop after work 31. Ford or Chevy? My cousin would hate me if I said chevy..or wait, is it ford? I dunno, I personally don’t care 32. What are you listening to right now? My mom and aunt talking..oh, my mom sneezing, too 33. What is your favorite color? Blue and pink and brown 34. Lake, ocean or river? Lakes are serene, oceans are relaxing, rivers are…smaller…dunno 35. How many tattoos do you have? About 10…but I’m getting a full body tat soon 36. Time you finished this e-mail? 9:30 37. Have you ever run out of gas? nope 38. Cats or Dogs? Dogs…parents raised me hating cats
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