yellow book

Kuhlenschmidt was hilarious in history. we were talking about hot pants and go-go boots and she said, "Yeah, i had these navy blue hot pants with white polkadots and my white go-go boots..I LOOKED CUTE!" it was hilarious! we're watching Holes in english class..yay! HAD ANOTHER HARD BIO CLASS TODAY!! haha, NOT! we did this one SIMPLE worksheet together and then Luker left and then called halfway through the class to tell us to go on break and then didn't come back til about 3 and just sat was fun! went to the nursing home with whitney after was fun!! well, kenzie is down here adn she is gonna take a shower and then i'm french braidin her hair so i gotta go bye!
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lol...wish i had been there..she didn't talk about that in my guys had all the fun! *jealous*