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Feeling: boyish
i felt very boyish today wearing my "sexy lingere" as some people would call it. ha. you konw who you are! well, i'm never wearing these pants again. let's just say that they are really easy to unsnap and the people in my bio class(KATIE AND SHANNON!!)were having a little too much fun. ANYWAY... i showed my challenged child why i am "handicapped" today...lol. interesting. tomorrow is friday...hmm...i'm not sure what i think about that. for some reason, i don't want it to be the weekend because i will have to leave my friends...but yet i need a break from school. hmmm, i hate mixed emotions. soo confusing. today, i seriously only knew one answer on the history test...all the others were educated guesses. i have nooooo clue how all those ppl know those answers cuz i dont. i even read the chapter and stuff!! this child keeps following me around at school...ya. some of you know who i'm talkin about. but i dunno....mixed emotions again. i am getting my needed time away from ppl...whoo. i feel a lot better now, even though its only been a day, but ya know, a lot can happen in 24 hours. like rome being built, for example. haha, sorry some of my stupid humor that i think is funny. you don't have to laugh if you don't want to, but i wouldn't know anyway. after school, in an attempt to flee from the horrid bio students, i ran to James' car and he was outside and saw me so he unlocked it with his remote thing and once i got in, the doors locked and the alarm started going off! the window was down and i was like, "JAMES!! TURN OFF THE ALARM!" and he was just standing there with Jenny smiling at me. uhhh, oh well. i called him mama for him after school to tell her that he wasn't going to his chiropractor and she was like yelling at me on the phone! it was scary! lol. anyway..i g2g ttyl buh bye...only 8 more days until i am 15!!! yay!! i can't wait!!!
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