
Listening to: almeta on the phone
Feeling: alone
well, on friday i went to kenzie's bday celebration at Nicks. it was pretty fun. Kathy was there! but she's just trying to get kenzie to live w/ her. oh yeah, and kenzie decided to live with her, afterall. and i got to see whitney for the first time in a while. afterwards, whitney, kathy, and i went to Marshalls...fun girls! tonight, i went with mama to Sears to get some clothes and we took our clothes to the check out in the tools department cuz thats by the exit/entrance we parked by. oh yeah, and sears changed their whole arrangement. like, i went to the old juniors section and found myself in the womens clothing/mens clothing. i finally founds the juniors and it was right next to the mens and we had to share a dressing room, so i was going in and all these guys were coming out looking at me like i was a freak, lol. but anyway, we went to the checkout and the man laid down bags over the counter cuz he said that ppl put tools tehre and that it might be a lil greasy. it was so funny, he was shaking and stuff. when we got there he wasn't, but once he started checking out the items and using that gun-like thing to take off those lil tan things that will spray ink on ur clothes if you take them off improperly he started shakin really bad! then he was putting the clothes in bads and didn't take off the hangers and had so many problems putting them in the bags,so he ended up putting 2 items in one huge bag, and then the other 2 items in antoher huge bag. it was funny, but prolly jhtbt. i have a choir performance tomorrow night at 7 i believe. it's at Neu Chapel on the UE campus if you all wanna come...ha! mama's leavin for St. Louis tomorrow after work for her "trip with the girls". hope they have fun! stuck with dad for the weekend...ahhhh, lol. i'm scared!!!!!!!!!! LOL...we'll almeta's being a weirdo on the phone so i'm gonna go...see almeta, i wrote about you! bye
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