
So I was coming home from work and pulling into my neighborhood and there were two SUV's blocking my house and these "gangsta" guys were walking around on my driveway and yard so I went down by Ivy's house and watched them. I decided to call my mom b/c she was home, but I finally came home and one SUV left and I pulled into "my spot" but was blocked by my parents, this other set of parents, two gangsta ppl, and this kid sitting in my grass. My mom motioned me to pull into the other side, but it ends up that the guys were in the cornfield egging cars going by, but the SUV that was still at my house and the other sets of parents were one car that they were all throwing stuff at. So the sherriff came and stuff and the ppl ended up leaving since their baby was in their car crying and the kid, Frasier, lost his shoe..hehe. but umm....kenzie called and was like "what's going on at your house?!?!" b/c she was really good friends with Frasier and she saw him sitting on my yard and then her, corey, and jen came to my house and rang the door bell and came in and we told them what the sherriff was saying and stuff and I was like "well, I wanna go back outside" and they were like "oh, me too!" so we go outside and then WABAM, there are three guys on the median, four guys on my driveway sitting down with a sherriff, and this other truck with john and lanie...lanie ran up to us and was like "what happened?!?!" and man, it's crazy!! but all of kenzies friends were involved and stuff! but kenzie and her friends who weren't involved left, and 6 boys got picked up but one is still outside (it's been like 2 hours) waiting for his parents...but they all have to go to court and stuff and have the stuff on their permanent record and now they are "in the system" and, how were your guys' evenings?
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hi, i'm sitting next to you in the computer lab an you FINALLY remembered your ipod and we're listening to my girl. i love this song. alrighty hun i'll talk to you later and i love you!
even though i feel threatened, i'm trusting that you wont leave me.