chores, chores, chores

Listening to: TV downstairs
Feeling: appreciative
well i finally finished the 29,452 chores I had to do...well, not all of them, but a lot. Kenzie called and we were talking for a while. K: I've been cleaning all day. L: yeah, me too. Our mom's make us clean a lot. K: Yeah, Benie taught our mom's how to hold down the fort. L: Ha! yeah... K: Man, our house is spotless. L: Our's isn't. K: We cleaned it all...wait, LET ME REPHRASE THAT...KENZIE CLEANED IT ALL DAY, and it looks good. I dunno about you, but i was cracking up when she said it. I guess you'd just have to hear her say it...but it was soo funny. Funniest thing i've heard in a long time. The last really funny thing was when Vanessa and i were talkinga bout ppl at Old Navy putting bandaids over their piercings and regular customers thinking they always cut themselves...just had to hear that on in context, too. we were also talking about the time we went to "P n R Pool Camp". very very clever name!! only ppl with the last name that started w/ a P or an R could come. Whitney and Lauren R. ran it. the good ol' days! Ohh, i just glanced over at the Active Users and one user is, i want a grilled cheese. that sounds good. no, wait, a cookout!! Kathy just cracks me up! hmmm, gonna go dry my hair. bye!!
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