first aid kit

Listening to: 105.3
so at work on sunday, I was poking the shells with a knife and ended up slicing my finger open and during chem while telling patrick about what happened, i got a paper cut on the bottom of my pointer finger (same one) so it's really odd b/c I have a cut on the top and bottom of my finger and the only way I can put band-aids on both is if I put them vertically on my finger, but then I won't be able to move my I'm screwed. Well, we had a spanish test today and (it's a Hawley test so it's easy...right? WRONG!) it sucked so bad!!! I think I got prolly a C or D on it. I wanna ask this guy to the Christmas dance...but I hate dancing, hate dress shopping, hate doing everything dealing with dances, but I dunno. I guess we'll just see. in english we're doing this journal of Euripides or something to that extent aaaand it sucks. and so does my math homework. I honestly don't understand anything we're doing this section. bah. ohhhh well. My left arm looks really purple and like...Rachita skinny. odddddd. mama came home with her eyes dialated (sp?) and they were huge! haha. she says everything is really bright and big. well....homework calls.
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