Feeling: happy
I am soo incredibly happy right now...dunno what it is but I am! I think I really just missed hanging out with Mackenzie and I really enjoyed tonight. I'm the happiest I've been in a long time and I like it!! This is probably going to bore you to tears...well, maybe not. But anyway, I'm going to give you an overview of this afternoon/evening events! Well, Shannon and I were talking about accidentally on purpose meeting at the mall, but neither of us had rides, so that idea was shot. Then, I went down to Mackenzies and we chilled for a while and then rode bikes to the Shell...she fell over on her bike when her crippling effect started to occur and it bent her front was soo funny! She couldn't ride it, so I had to and everytime the wheel spinned in a full circle, the tire hit the side of the bike and made this was funny! Then we got back to her house and were talking online to people. Do you know those blue ice-pack things that you open and put ice in to put on your head or a sore...well Kenzie had two of those and I was playing with one and started wondering if you could just drink right out of it if you got thirsty. That lead to more questions, and I asked if we could put coke in it. So, Kenzie went to the kitchen and put some more ice and Mr. Pibb in it...she came back to the computer room and started to drink it but stopped and had this painful look on her face. She told me to smell the thing and I about threw up when I did. It had to be the grossest thing I have ever smelt in my life!! And I am not joking! It was awful!!! But anyway, Kenzie was talking to Ryan, her boyfriend, and he had his championship game tonight, so of course we just had to go! I ran home to "freshen up" and Kenzie and Fred picked me up for the game. While I was waiting, Shannon called and we were talking about Ryan's game and how I make Kenzie embarrassed! It's soo fun! But then Kenzie and Fred came and it was off to the field!! Once we got there, it was so much fun! Ryan's dad bought us was nice! Kenzie has a boy twin...hottie! I kept trying to get a baseball that they hit outta the field...but all the little kids got to it before I could... I need to start running again so that I can beat them to it next year! But I kept wanting to take pictures while Ryan was batting, but Mackenzie wouldn't let me...until the end! She still didn't want me too, but they were taking team pictures and I ran over there before she could stop me! It was hilarious! He was smiling and then looked over a saw me and gave me a weird look, but I just smiled! Then I also got a picture of Kenzie's crippled legs. She is a crip she says. So, Ryans parents said that they would take us home and I let Kenzie and Ryan sit together...I'm such a nice cousin! We got home and ate and started watching Kenzie's play. It was sooo funny! It was Cinderella with a twist and Kenz was the prince! She makes a good boy! It is the funniest thing! Mama called while we were watching it and said she wanted to come down and see it, too. Kenzie and I decided to clean up her parents room cuz...well, hard to explain and in their personal business but yeah. So we heard my mom come in (with her usual, "HEEEEEY PRUIETTS!!!!!!!") so we started throwing all of her parents clothes in the bathroom and made their bed and threw all the movies in the cabinet and straightened up was HILARIOUS!!! I've never laughed so hard! You all prolly think it sounds weird/stupid/retarded/not funny...but it was...jhtbt. So, Fred occupied mama downstairs for a while by watching "TV Lands favorite dads!" (Andy Griffith was number one, Cliff Huxtable number 2) and so kenzie and i cleaned her bathroom, bedroom, hallway, and parents bed room. And ya know what...Mama didn't even come upstairs! She said it was late and that she needed to get to bed for work tomorrow! So yeah, all that work for nothing...well not really. Her upstairs is clean (well, except for her parents bathroom...its a mess now) and he also had one good time! and now, here i tomorrow at 9:30...hmm. but it's at the nice ppls building, so it's all good. Love is in the air....FYI. but not for me...well not really....I don't think....but maybe....we'll see. Whooo, well i am soo happy still. Man, I love kenzie...she's one cool chica! bed time...
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