no lights

Listening to: TV
Feeling: frightened
so tonight, my parents went to their dance thing they go to every saturday night. so there i was sitting at home watching "The Wedding Singer" on TBS b/c i had never seen it before and heard it was good. then this green screen came on and said "Weather Alert System. Required Weekly Test" and had that high beeping sound. then it switched to QVC which was odd but then went back to TBS and then flickered and then...boom, all the lights went out. the phone was by me so i tried to call my fasha, but no, the phone didn't work. so i stumbled upstairs to get my cell phone (i never realized how habitual it is to turn on the light switch, but it is!) and finally got it and called my dad but he couldn't hear anything i was saying. I said "the power is out" and he said "what?" and i repeated it and he said, "oh my sister?" "no, dad. the power!" "the basketball?" NO! THE POWER IS OUT!" "honey, i really can't hear you" and HUNG UP! i called my mom's cell phone but she didn't have it on. soo, yeah. called like EVERYONE in my neighborhood but half of them weren't home and the other half didn't have working phones. so i called Almeta in florida and she said something was wrong with her phone adn that she couldn't talk. so i was just sitting at home in the dark on my stairs. the heater shut off, too and i was freezing to death. i couldn't find any candles or flashlights. it sucked. i decided to call emily and talked to her for a while and i was walking down my stairs when suddenly...ta da! the lights came back on. they kept flickering but it was all good. but, we have to reset all our clocks in the house. that sucks. i hate doing that. well anyway, here is a survey thing. fun stuff! Bye 1.Full Name: Lauren Elizabeth Pack 2. Nick Names: dork, jerk, weirdo, LP, her, Lauren Pack, loser 3. Birthday: 3-12-89 4. Siblings: none 5. B/F: lets not talk about that right now… 6.Been in Love: think but not sure (??????) 7.Screen Name: darlingirl1212 8.Where do you live: eville 9.Where were you born: see above (yes, I have an exciting life!) Section 2: 1. Beeper Number: nah 2. Favorite Salad dressing: fat free ranch 3. Have you ever gone Skinny-Dipping: nah 4. Favorite Movie(s): now and then, sister act 1 and 2. lots more, too. 5. Favorites Book: actually one that Holland assigned us to read. “Night” by Elie something or another. 6. Favorite Type of Music: not quite sure 7. Favorite Song: not sure…too many to choose from 8.Favorite Car: umm..llike my mama’s car. Mazda 626. and fasha’s 96 sebring convert. 9. Favorite Saying: YeAh! 10.Favorite Fast Food: sonic chili pie 11.Favorite Ice Cream: this one stuff mama bought once, it had reese cups and something..moose tracks, I think. 12.Favorite Soda: recently, I’ve grown a liking to sprite. 13.Favorite Holiday: either Christmas or my birthday (no, I’m not conceited…) 14.Favorite Food: recently it’s been either funny face from IHOP or salad or pizza 15.Favorite TV Show: roseanne 16.Favorite Radio Station: umm…not sure. Just whatever station has something good on. 17.Favorite Junk Food: CADBURY MINI EGGS! 18.Favorite Candy: CADBURY MINI EGGS! 19.Favorite Color(s): blue and red and pink 20. Favorite Shoes: I love shoes! Woohoo! Umm not sure. Been wearing my old adidas ones but got new ones today so hmm, dunno. 21.Favorite Smell: perfume and cologne 22.Favorite Brand of Gum: Wrigleys 23.Favorite Animal: doggies! And ducks/chicks (babies, of course) 24.Favorite Place to Sleep: on my comfy couches (lol, almeta and alison). No, umm in my parents bed and also Ashleigh has a nice little twin sized bed that’s really cozy! 25.Favorite things to do in the Summer: lay on the ground outside! And bball and tennis and umm go to the beach. Section 3: 1. Caused a Car Accident: caused…no. 2. Done Drugs: nah 3. Ran Away from Home: nah 4. Hit a Girl: yeah 5. Hit a Guy: of course 6. Stolen Anything: just lil crap 7. Broken Anything: yes, too many things 8. Been in Hospital: yes..uhh hate hospitals. Been there a lot, actually. Especially recently 9.Had a Near death Experience: yeah, in the car today. woooo 10.Cheated on Anyone: no 11.Been Cheated On: possibly 12.Been Attacked by a Big Dog: not quite “attacked” but it was close. Section 4: 1. Coke or Pepsi: pepsi (for almeta) 2. Cats or Dogs: dogs 3. One Pillow or Two: well, two but side by side, not on top of each other because yeah. 4. Deaf or Blind: umm….C, none of the above (movie line) but umm neither, that’s a sucky choice. 5. Pools or Hot Tubs: depends 6. Television or Radio: TV 7. Cds or Tapes: CD 8. Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese Doritos: nacho 9. Mud Wrestling or Jello Wrestling: jello seems interesting..hmm, undecided. 10.Your Most Prized Posession: my friends and family 11.If there was a fire in your house, what few things would you grab before you got out of there: family, pictures, favorite items of clothing, my stuffed dog, healing blanket, all the stuff that we kept from past years from my school, money, cell phone, home videos, anything that’s irreplaceable. Section 5: 1. Love: should be treasured 2. The Thing that makes you the Happiest: friends and laughter 3. The Best Thing that has Ever Happened to You: when I was saved 4. The Grossest Thing you've ever Eaten: ewww, when Ms. Lee made us eat seaweed in 3rd grade!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sick! 5. The Best thing in the World: laughter 6. The Worst feeling in the World: loneliness/despair 7. The Scariest Thing that Ever Happened to You: tonight and having to confront ppl about stuff 8.The Best Number in the World: 12, 20 9.A Memory you miss the Most: spending time with ppl I don’t spend time with now 10.The Saddest Memory of Last year: when ashleigh’s bro was diagnosed with brain cancer and her parents were getting a divorce while she had cellulitus and heart problems Section 7: 1. Makes You Laugh the Most: dad, mom, and friends. I also laugh at myself, a lot. I will be by myself and do something stupid and laugh for hours about it. 2. Do you Hate: nah, I strongly dislike, hate is bad 3. Who Knows Most about You: God 4. Who Do you Trust the Most: God Section 8: 1. Do you ever Save Chat Conversations: sometimes for odd reasons 2. Do you save Emails: sometimes 3. Do you Save Poems people sent: sometimes 4. How many People are on your Buddy List: 216 5. When are you Usually Online: depends what I have to do 6. Do you like Motorcycles: yeah, I guess 7. What are your Fav Stores: target and walmart and kohls and any stationary stores. Plus convenient stores are awesome. Grocery stores, too 8. Are you a Player: nah 9. When do you go to Sleep: between 9:30 and 2:30 usually 10.Do you Sleep with a Nightlight: no, used to though. And still have it, just not on 11.Whats underneath you Bed: old clothes and junk that gets pushed under there on accident 12.What do you Wear to Bed: either cotton shorts or cotton pants with a t-shirt or sweatshirt if I’m cold or tank top if hot 13.Do you Sleep with a Stuffed Animal: sometimes 14.Do you eat Chicken with a fork or with your Fingers: depneds 15.When was the Last time you took a Shower: this morning 16.If you were to get something Pierced, where would u pierce: not sure 17.Any Tattoos: nah *EXTRA SECTION* 1.Sign: pisces 2.Eye Color: brown 3.Hair Color: brownish blondish 4.Height: 5'4” 5.Favorite Place In The World: DISNEY WORLD! No, umm…anywhere with friends
Read 3 comments
I love the Wedding Singer!! It's an awesome show!
that was the funniest thing! lol. i was getting ready to have my dad go to ur house and bring u to mine.. but then the lights came back on
i know! i still feel so bad about that! wut do u mean "disney"?