M-I- crooked letter crooked letter O-U-R-I

So yesterday I went with Susan to Nashville to pick up Ashleigh and Brandon, but their flight was delayed 2 hours....so susan and I got to Nashville about 9..the place was COMPLETELY empty where we were...and their flight came in at 11..it was so boring. nothing was open or anything! we found a wheelchair and this cart thing and were going in and out of the aisles and spinning...she's a fun woman. but on the way up there we talked about sooo much stuff! it was really cool, yet weird since she's my friends mom...but whatever. but their plane finally came in and they had to go find their baggage, then ashleigh had to go to the car rental places because she left her CD in the rental car, then we got to the car about midnight but then had to go to Taco Bell, a gas station, bleh, such time comsumers....Ashleigh and Susan took 30 minutes at the gas station doing who knows what! uh, I was sooo tired...but us three were sleeping in the car and I woke up because I heard talking and it was susan talking on the phone at 2 in hte morning...but we were at a rest area just sitting there....i wanted to say "COME ON! DRIVE ALREADY!" but i figured it'd be mean. so I woke up again by being thrown off the seat onto asheligh who was laying in the floor because of a sudden stop (lol) but looked at the clock and it was 4:17...but we had the spring forward thing so it was really 5:17 AM....bleh...and I had to work today from 11-4...so I got home, got ready for bed but didn't actually get to lay down til 6....so my dad comes in my room to wake me up at 8 to go to church, we decided against it, then woke me up at 10 to shower for work....uh, I'm sooo tired. and we were sooooo busy at work today, oh man. I was food running with Josh and Abby (bad combination) and we were constantly running around! it was nuts! oh, kenzie and kathy are getting another dog and ya know what kind it is?!?!?!?!? A WEINER DOG!!!!!!!!!!! how freakin unfair is that! I've ALWAYS wanted a weiner dog and they alreayd have a yorkshire and are getting another one....but htey don't even take care of lucky, so how are they expected to take care of this new one....uh, whatever!!! it was julie (crazy kitchen julie)'s bday today. whitney managed to mumble a "happy birthday" to her...lol. Alison: "I think I'm pregnant....well, except for the whole sex part" lol, good times good times.... well school is tomorrow and i need a shower and sleep
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