
Listening to: nothing
Feeling: hurt
Yo tengo dolor de estomago! i think thats how you say it. anyway...today started badly. i went to orchestra for the first time in a while...didn't like it. I had to make up a test in history which was really hard, but Vanessa was outside the spanish room, so it wasn't that bad, but the door kept scaring us lol! haha. in spanish, mrs. hawley kept talking about boyfriends and girlfriends. One question was Como se llama tu novio/a (i think) and HE asked me what it meant. i was like "CRAP!" i told him and he was like, "ohh..." it was weird. i had a long car ride home!! james was naming every single thing he sells where he works! he wouldn't let me get out of the car until he finished!! uhh. my head hurts. I got my head caught in the blow dryer 3 times last night! People at my school CRACK ME UP! they are all sooo hilarious. i love them all!
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yeah yeah yeah. you and vanessa were being so loud i could hear you in the bio room. its a good thing i came downstairs.

oh and i can pimp your diary out...yesem. just check out mine. i know, i know. so damn cool