
Feeling: breathless
"bite into an orange and see if it tastes like a peach~reality is what u make of it" thash what meh msn says now. see, i dont feel like anything ish real (like ive said before). and meh sis said "bite into an orange and see if it tastes like a peach." which, ish like if the orange tastes like an orange, then ish real. and if not, ish either a bad orange, or ish not real. and the "reality is what u make of it" meh friend said that to me. and i guess it means, u can change it to be what u want...sept when ya have over prottective parents, that cant really happen. ************************** yesterday, was actually a good day. saw danny. that was cool. jus tire of travis' attitude towards him. its buggin me so bad. but then on the way home from sunday night Bible study, we started talkin bout travis and why didnt want the purity ring from his parents. he would rather have it from his sisters (coral and crystal), so they got it from him. then he asked why i didnt one. but i didnt wanna tell him. but, then, he started sayin im shuttin him outta meh life by not talkin to him. but, thats no true. cuz i atleast make an affort to say somethin to him. but if the times not right for him, he kinda ignores me. and thats how its been the past couple weeks. but, meh mum still keeps yellin at me. and i didnt do anythin to her. and meh dad jus called, and i answered the phone, and he said "is this katie or aimee?" and i said "katie" and he said "oh" like a disappointed kinda oh. i feel like meh heart's sinkin lower and lower the more someone hurts me. yea, i guess i am an emotional person (least thats what the chinese thing told me). last night, i heard meh mum tell my dad we were gonna start eatin at the table together. ish, so we can "talk". no offense to them, but i'd rather not tell them my problems. for one, i dont trust them. when i tell them somethin, they tell it to people. especially the people i dont want anythin to be told to. and two, i dont think they could really handle all the things i have on my mind. oh well. i guess if the time is right, i will say somethin. who knows. i may surprise mehself and say exactly how i feel. *shrugs8 all i know is, if meh dad makes one more of those jokes about me bein fat, someones gonna get it...or worse...ya know, its wierd. i tend to life cuz it all sucks. but...it may not be as bad as i think it is....
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*huggles you*
RYN: Scary creature. o.o; Not a gnome, I think.
we like to call me sis fat sometimes playing around.. but she know we're playing (she even laughs sometimes)..

is that the same they do it to'ya? or are they serious? :(