i sometimes wish this breath would be my last..

gah, i wish i could choose more than one mood. lol. i might be movin soon :) not exactly sure when. i still NEED a job, and such. and i hafta turn 18 (18 days!! :D). we've got the plan of, me and my sis need a job ASAP. and we get the money, put all that in savings. and turn 18 (of course that's gonna happen first anyway. lol). and i want to graduate from high school first. by either finishing the test i need to do, or getting my GED. and i would like to get my license. i actually need that, so i can drive to where i need to go. plus i need a car. but in order to get a car i need money. which goes back to getting a job thing. i don't care what car right now. i mean, i can always buy a new one. and during all that time we'll be looking for a house. we're aiming for AG. cause it gets away from the crap and stuff here, and where jason and beth live. and away from our parents. lol. we know our parents won't like the idea. especially jay's parents. cause his movin in with his gf. and they wont like that it's 3 girls and a guy. moxing genders, ya know? but we don't care. it's our lives. it's not like we're gonna do anything with eachother... me, aimee, and jason that is.. lol. and, hopefully we'll be near the beach. i used to live jus up the street from it before we moved. and it would be so awesome to go back. and i've always wanted to live with friends. AND! all the friends i left before we moved live there ^_^ like aimee, cherice and mallorie. i miss those three the most. we were all really close :) and then there's erick d, erick m, ariel, richard, neal, alicia, jenna, corin, chere, and stacey. hopefully our parents won't be too pissed off about it all. lol.
Read 3 comments
ol yay almost 18 hope its fun and we are still going to go job hunting together right ? if not then oh well Ill servive.....thanx katei for the advice...you dont want them to be so pissed that they dont pay for college do you....?
But where does martin fall in on that plan? maybe I can visit every onve in a while on my way back from riding lessons....we're only 45 minutes away..lol
how do I know how you felt again???????Im confused and I think Ive been bugging you too much..... sorry.......um okay cya....