
Listening to: cold-static x
Feeling: foxy
sitD rocks my world, seriously the people rock the comments rock swirly mouse trail do not rock :( oh well, you have to take the good with the bad ok so my stalker ex boyfriend IMs me last night? i dont know how he got my screename, i sure as hell didnt tell him...so hes like "we dont have a chance do we?" i told him i was a lesbian isnt that great? then he called me, it was scary as hell, i think i need to change my number
Read 24 comments
*sad face*


its okay though. we can still own everything in between the two.
har I get the talking animal, fear me. You monkey can't say bollocks really loud. I art captain. from now on you shall refer to me as the great captain David Eke...sir
i love your diary. It's purtyful
haha wow. perfectly said. God and Jesus are the only cool ones there. People need to realize that they are NOT perfect and NOT all knowing. They are not God. Bummer..

argh me hartey, swab the decks, get me a parrot! I'll teach it to say bollocks really loudly, wow i want a parrot now.
poke away, i'll get the ice pick :P
oh i know, years of practice it took me. teehee, can i have a pirate hat? do you have a pirates hoodo n your arm, that'd be really cool. If you don't can i hack oyur arm off and screw one on? :)
rrrargh! tekkin' ye to davey jones' locker and all thta nonesense. What am i doing? oh yeah errr. I'm lost for words, meh, i'll ramble, i am ramble look at my rambling power. Fear me and my ultimate rambling skills! har har. sorry :( bye
..that is so great. obviously the lesbian excuse didnt work too well... he didnt seem to get the hint..ha. *karissa
It doesn't distress me, I can live with it. I don't have to be able to dance because, let's face it, the situation where I would have to dance never arises. Not for me. :o)
I would love to go tapdancing with you, but I can't dance.
AHahahha OMG what a freak. Some guys need to uh.. burn in hell :D HeEH i love SitD too!
yes, you can be the prez with me. and we will be the owners of everything.

and fuck we're hot, aren't we?

where are you?
the heat source for hell...

*curls up at your feet*
you own me too.
Julia rox my world!
oh & i like your background, very cooool.
haha you seem cool, & i agree sitdiary is great except for those stupid long cursor things, ew!
Ah, yes, the human form is a beautiful thing, I always say. :o) I don't think I'd like everyone to see all of my form though.
sure, i'll be apirate...arggh! fear my hook , such, yeah scary stuff me :P
Telling him that you were a lesbian didn't get rid of him?
Wow, he's persistent.

Getting dressed is overrated, and I would probably love to go naked, but I'd get very, very cold, if nothing else.
yeah. so hot. like we should have people follow us around with fire extinguishers.
thats why i chose atlantis park; it's just like the lost city. so not worldly. but still breathable.
i think they're already jealous