
yeah, im here in school, being hateful and tired. thanks for waking me up at 1 am to tell me you needed to be let outside, jasmine. after that i couldnt go back to sleep because i had too much to think about. its raining like a mo' trucker outside, im glad, i hate the sun. i hate my school. i hate my school. i hate my school. i hate my school. i hate the people. i hate the building. i hate the grounds. i hate it. i hate it. i hate it. i hate my fucking friends and their keen ability to be asses. im forming a hit list, as soon as i get my ninja star shooting gun. ----------------------------- have you every seen the rain outside and got the feeling that you were actually in the rain?
Read 5 comments
Ur very key julia;) *seductive wink*
HELL...I hate my school the people and the old Icky building to...So your sayin your going to shoot people in your school?
HELL...I hate my school the people and the old Icky building to...So your sayin your going to shoot people in your school?
ummm....iforgot wht i even told you
yeah to the rain and the paragraph one.