
listening to// law and order: SVU mood//emo nothing to talk about. he wants me to talk to the girl he like for him. can someone say selfish bastard..yeah whatever, he can fuck himself and die. i went to starbucks tonight. it was fun. the end. so how about i just figured out that xmissnat310x and blankies4 are people i actually know....how stupid am i?! it only took me like 3 months
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haha yeah. i only know like 4 people on my friends list. it's weird. but fun.

i love starbucks :]
can you also say TOTALLY SHALLOW AND NEEDS A REALITY CHECK?!Geesh I hate guys sometimes...they can be total dicks..literally..
i love starbucks and law and order. neato. are you watching the SVU from this week? where the kid finds out that his dead girlfriend was his sister? that's a twisted one, but he was a good actor. anyway, yep. just blabbering =]
i'm sure you're funny...most people are. to me at least.

i've enver been to a star bucks. it sounds fun. and yummy