
Feeling: jinxed
no matter what i do, i always end up hurting myself in the end yeah, it really blows. i need to leave...does anyone have a place i can stay? yeah, that'd be nice... i found a pretty picture of vendetta red, it was bootiful jynx me something crazy
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hey thanks..yeah he's adorable.. although he's quite annoying. he just stole my sister's candy wrapper and coughed. that's what he gets for eating aluminum foil. daha.. by the way, how did you get your entry background clear so the background picture can show through? thats awesome
ooh ok thanks ;)
AAHHHH! Sneaked on me there ye did! Unprepared was i!
Crappy that your having bad home life, you could stay wiv me, but you prob live miles away & i don't know you, you could be a 68 year old paedo grooming us all! Well you not doing very well! LOL!!! I'm sure your lovely!
awe. I hope things get better for you. yea i wanna leave too. i say we meet up.. and explore the world!! :-D heh.. later.
