
Feeling: pensive
BEGIN SAPPY REFLECTIONS its hard to believe this summer is really amost over. this summers been good, i guess. more personally than socially i guess. my lothing of my mother has gotten a lot worse. mostly because shes real psyco. im gained friends, and tryed to lose some. some people just dont get when they're being shrugged off. once a sell-out always a sell-out i guess. maybe you didnt sell me out, maybe you let my secrets slip through your lips. over and over again ...right. and theres the people a havent talk to all summer. kristen, emily, megan my hooch, nicki, jess....and the people i wish i didnt talk to stalker tom?, sun fucking shine. (thanks for ruining my whole year, your really great at being an asshole:D), and the rest, you (should) know who you are.......and now to the people i have talked to & hung out with cat, kaite, smitty, tabby, natXcore...everyone. its been fab. and now were off to the new school year. little 8th grade fuckers. new classes, new teachers. new friends. no more new love interests, please. well thats good stuff. new fights, new heartbreak, less sunlight, more saddness, hmm. maybe ill even get real depressed during the winter and start cutting myself again! it'll be great(...). hopefully not. alexisonfire, planes mistaken for stars, and hot water music is coming in november. theres alot to look forward too this year plus 184 days of seeing mr.soxman. hes a real heartbreaker. maybe we'll have a hug and have some armage action again.. and maybe this year will be better than the last, lets hope END SAPPY REFLECTIONS
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