
a story written by me in 2nd grade:: A litle raindrop fell on the grass and said "ah i'm nice and warm" and then another raindrop fell and they became friends. but before long they started to dry up. they were worried they would dry up for good. but they knew they might be stepped on or something worse. so they tryed to think of something worse. but they couldnt. and they saw a big red boot they screamed and they yelled at the top of their lungs. they tryed to run away but couldnt they tryed and tryed but they couldnt. they got stepped on. they cryed but then they dried up
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loving the new layout.
you wrote very depressing things as a child.

no pressure what-so-ever. oh and ur little story is .....interesting.

i like the fact that they're little rain-drops, instead of well anything else!..lol