
"He never dreamed the Empire would force him to betray an old friend, either." 1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page 23. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions. yeah....i read star wars books....rock on britt, your so typical, grow up i cant wait for tommorrow. those little church kids are the highlight of my life.
Read 6 comments
i LOOOOOOOOOVE LOVE LOVE your diary!!!! lol have a good day!!
I love your layout.

How did you get it like that? It's crazy..


hey its hilary. when i dropped my little brother off at youth group i saw you. ra ta ta.
i feel like commmenting

is that tansition in your background?
can you pleaaaaase tell me how to make your journal entry thingys on the side. lol
hey, thanks for your comment...pete