you haven enlightened me wiht this entry. I believe I now have what it takes ot be a power that be. heh. I wouldn't get a swirly mouse trail, but if i did it would say "neh neh n neh neh Julia" har. :P

Captain David
yay hattage! :D. is $2 whatever cheap?, I have no idea about American curreny, I'm so under-educated :P
good owld poonds and pince.

There, there's a Geordie accent for you too. YEah it's pounds and pence. it's sucks, but it's better than teh euro. Down with the Euro scum. Well yeah. bye now. Oh your soul is very hpapy by the, I fed it before. It likes jaffa cakes.

Captain David
Julia's my homie fo life;)

anonymous times 2!
hey i saw on some of ur other entries that you have random like pics and stuff on it...i found some that i really want on my sit diary entry but im having trouble figuring out how to post them up...can you please help me?