
Feeling: slaphappy
its not what i want, its what god wants its not what i want, its what god wants its not what i want, its what god wants im gonna keep repeating that until i start living it. ive realized im so selfish, i act like im the only person i the world with feelings. NEWSFLASH JULIA, YOUR NOT. i miss garrett and josh and jen and brendan what the hell happened to our friendships? when did i become afraid to IM the person who was my best friend? there must be a reason its not what i want, its what god wants
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Juliaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa your not selfish!! Dont tell yourself that. I know what you mean about the friendships. I hate it..but i believe eventually everything will work out.

- natalie
Don't lie! You're young! Do what the fuck u want (apoligize along the way!) Have fun, everyone loves you, if convince that, even if its not true, you'll be fine!