I PASSED MATH. WTFFFFFF!!!! im happy. its 63, but thats three marks a pass, ill fucken take it! now i have math 514. and i wont have to do math for the rest of the year. honestly my classes rule for the last half of the year. i have -english (and english exam at the end-which is no problem for me at all) -french (and french exams at the end, plus a 20 minute oral, but french isnt a problem for me either) -music and culture (no exam, but i think were doing a big project) -that environment class (no exam) -economics (please no exam) -slacker science (no exam) -computers (no exam) -resource(no exam) and an option course in math's place, i dont know what its going to be yet. soooo in june i'll only have two exams. booyah and both dawson and john abbott will accept me. if i get accepted to dawson, ill go there, though. itd be cooler than john abbott, i wanna be downtown everyday, rather than rural st annes. wooooohoooo. tomorrows valentines day, ive never had a boyfriend on valentines day. i dont know how to act. i dont want joey to give me anything. cause im not getting him anything. ha ha ha!! man im in such a weird mood, this entry's whackkkk.
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EVAN GREER. hes this unknown folk artist and hes amazing, and only me and ryna really listen to him and i dont want our lame friends to find out about him , that way they will stay away form his show. shutup, im not selfish! hahahahaha ilove you
PS- JULY 21ST!!!!
Yeah I did write that.. the middle part is of a song that I'm yet to write - I don't have the time to think hard enough to make something good of it, so I just wrote whatever came in that entry.

Great pictures of you below by the way - need I say more...