sicker than a dog

Feeling: sinful
Well, I figured out why I had no appetite yesterday. I woke up sick this morning. I should have known. It probably didn't help that I stayed up until 0:45 talking to Neil. Ugh. I felt like shit when I got up to go to music history. I seriously considered emailing my boss and telling her that I wasn't coming in to work, but I took some Sudafed 12-hour and sucked it up. I'm glad I did; I need the money and it wasn't too bad. Yesterday, I went to Matt's room to return the Tupperware from the cookies he gave me. I brought Carissa and Katie D.'s roommate Heidi with me. I wanted an excuse to be able to leave quickly, and thank goodness they were there, because I think he was going to try to suck me into conversation. I'm doing laundry and writing right now because otherwise I would have to study for my Astronomy test tomorrow. Or take my music history test online. Thankfully the week is already half over. I've already packed my duffel bag with things I won't need/want for the rest of the semester. Mostly extra clothes. I'm taking it all home on Friday. Now more than ever I can't wait to go home. Friday is also the day my permit expires, so no more driving for me until after my birthday. Maybe I'll watch an episode of NCIS and make some coffee before I start studying ... bad, I know, but gimme a break. I still feel like shit.
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yes that was a very comphrehensive rant, eh?
I think I have except it was called A Perfect Day For Bananafish, probably one in the same. Haha thats funny I've been watching CSI like crazy.