
So all I've been doing this week is bitching about how stressed out I am, and now, on Friday night, which is a chance for me to relax and unwind and do nothing and enjoy doing nothing, instead I piss and moan about how bored I am and how lame it is that all I did tonight was go for a walk by myself, then spend 3+ hours reading Harry Potter fanfiction. What a waste. It's not like I had anything better to do. Neil didn't call. I've had to call him the past two days anyway and he didn't seem like he wanted to talk, so I'll just wait for him to do it. He'll call when he wants to talk. Until then, I'm lonely. I hope he's having a better Friday night than I am, but if he's drinking all bets are off. My parents put Gus down this morning. It will be a little strange to go home and not have the gates up in the kitchen, not have to deal with the barking and yelling and the baby food in the microwave. We all knew it was coming. It's been fifteen years. Most of my life. He was an annoying dog for the most part, but it's still gonna feel empty without him underfoot. Sleeping in, homework, studying, and orchestra rehearsal tomorrow. Fun? . . . No. Lame. I hate summer school. I want to go home. I want everything to be right again.
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Yes.. this was in reference to what I said, lol. I'm either tired or still confused.. but it's late here.. night :-) Keep Smiling!