boring day

I didn't do much at all today. I slept in until 10:30 because my damn alarm has stopped working again. I headed over to the CSU to eat breakfast and then the PA to practice, but Region 2A had their solo/ensemble contest here today so there were no practice rooms. I put in some research on the film analysis I'm supposed to write for American Indians, then checked out "License to Wed" from the front desk of Crawford and watched that as I collated my old sitD into a binder. I rode the bus to the mall around 18:00, picked up some stuff I needed like mouthwash and shaving cream and looseleaf paper. I bought my mom a Mother's Day card at Hallmark. It's one of those with the music chips in it, and it plays the Star Wars theme. I thought it was appropriate because of our last name. I tried on a shirt at Aeropostale and considered a hat in Deb, but ended up buying neither. I also had the people at the cell phone place take a look at my phone to find out what was wrong with the alarm. The guy was as baffled as I was, so he just reset the programs and hoped that worked. If it doesn't, I guess I'll just have to figure something else out. I hope I don't have to switch phones again; I hate flip phones and I love my brick. :( I asked Ben if he would be taking music theory III in the fall with me, because I had a suspicion he would be if he was on track with his music major, and he is, so we'll have that class together. At least I'll have a friend in theory. Just like old times, except . . . not. Hmmm. Not gonna lie, I'm just a little excited. Pretty boring day overall. Tomorrow should be interesting.
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