birthday haircut

Feeling: squishy
I finished my ex-boyfriend page for the SCFF today! I'm really pleased with the way it turned out. It started out rather morbid and creepy, but now with the bright colors and the good things I remember about them, it's more upbeat. The best part is the quote I included: "Never forget the people who made you who you are." I think it's a great bit of advice, and I'd like to think I've taken it heart in my life. Who would I be without Jon, Josh, and Matt? They gave me so much and taught me even more. Other than that, I made cupcakes out of a box today. They weren't bad, but I didn't like the frosting, so I haven't really eaten any. Oh well. I got to spell out my full name with a letter on each cupcake, even my middle initial! When Mom got home from work we went to Dunn Bros and got two IceCremas and I Facebooked on their wi-fi. Now, I've been thinking of cutting my hair for awhile, but I've been a little hesitant, so I was going to just wait and grow it out while I thought about it some more. But Fantastic Sam's is right next to Dunn Bros, so I decided to just go ahead and do it. I needed a change as far as my hair goes; it was getting heavy and long and wild. I was a little nervous, but I figure it's not the end of the world; I can always grow it out again. I ended up with a shorter layered look, parted on the left side with bangs sweeping across my forehead. I haven't had bangs since sixth grade and I've never parted my hair anywhere but the middle, so it's a huge change for me! I'm pretty happy with it though. To anyone else, it might not be a huge haircut, but for a person like me who resists change, it definitely was. My dad gave me my birthday present today: a remote keyboard and speakers. I'm not sure if I'll be able to use the keyboard yet, but the speakers would be awesome for watching movies, since the speakers built into my laptop are not that great. Neil called to ask what address he should send my birthday present to. I gave him my summer school address, since he's ordering it today and it probably won't come until I'm back at MSU. He said it was "very expensive" and warned me to "not freak out." Also, I "don't want anyone else to see it." Okay . . . I'm super curious now. Maybe a little nervous. But this is awesome news! The last time he gave me a birthday present I was turning 17. The first year we were dating. In all fairness, I got a musical card from him last year, which was already an improvement. So that's it. That was my last day as a teenager. How final that sounds!
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well, happy birthday :]