sleeper awake

Today was my dad's birthday. He's 71 today. Wow. I got up this morning and felt even more like shit than yesterday. I took a Sudafed and that helped for awhile. I walked to Kwik Trip to get breakfast and a Powerball before heading to Bethel for church. I sat with Josh and Cassandra, with Brent behind us. I've definitely missed seeing him on Sunday nights. I'm pumped for H2O in the fall again. The monthly college luncheon was today, so we got fed as well. I felt even more isolated from the IV people than ever; they all sat at their own table and didn't talk to me. Oh well. I was feeling gross and dizzy anyway. Cassandra and Josh took a side trip to AllTel to pay their phone bill, which was convenient, because I wanted to get my phone alarm fixed again. But this time the lady told me she couldn't do anything permanent to fix it, so I would be better off just getting a new phone. So maybe I'll be switching back to that POS black LG flip phone from last year. Poo. I love my brick, even though it doesn't always behave (kinda like me). Grrr. I got back to my room and called Neil. "You sound really sick," he said. "You should take a nap." "Maybe I will," I said. "But my alarm on my phone doesn't work, so I can't." "I'll call you in 45 minutes. Love you." So I took a semi-nap, in which I tried to sleep but ended up just lying on my bed in sick misery for awhile. When Neil called to wake me up we talked for a little bit before he had to go. I ended up going on the internet and wasting time for awhile, then Brian called, and we talked about his POS car and the school board referendum. Then I actually studied for Victims for a decent hour or so, before I headed over to the PA to practice at around 17:30. Side note: the worst part about being sick is that I can't take pills for my wrists; Sudafed and NSAIDs don't mix. Suck. I went to Crossroads early thinking it would be a good place to study. It's quiet, usually no one is around until right before the service starts, tea bags and hot water in the couch area: so perfect, right? Well, I ended up calling my parents and talking to my mom until Ben showed up, and after that no studying got done. We talked about our recital for next year. I'm pretty stoked. Ben said, "I hope you're serious about this recital thing, because I've already got Roisum looking through music for me." Yay! I am very excited. Even if neither of us make it to the semi-finals, it will be awesome to do a recital together. And Katie J. is going to do the Brahms clarinet trio with us too! Which reminds me, I need to give her the Shostakovich piano part to work on over the summer. Ben got out his saxophone and Katie was playing piano, so I hurried over to the PA to grab my cello and we ended up all three of us playing on the hymns. It was so fun! I love the rush I get when I play music with other people. I know I'm going to regret it tomorrow though, when I have to play at MSO and I used up my hands today. Ugh. If there's one thing I would get rid of in this world, it would be tendinitis. It was a nice service; Pastor Elaine had a slide show of all the activities from this year. She even had a picture of me from the BBQ on the day before school started last fall! It was the first thing I went to here at MSU. How things have changed since then . . . but right now I'm tired and sick and should go to sleep, so I won't go into that now. I stuck around Crossroads afterwards. Jacob was entertaining us as usual. He still won't let up on the fact that the White Sox lost. He told us about his torn ACL and what's going on with that. And apparently he also makes the best cookies in the world; he said since we live so close I should come to visit this summer and he'll make some. Maybe if I could drive. Along the same lines, Jacob told us that once he made a batch of cookies with a "secret ingredient": vodka. He said, "I knew the alcohol would burn off in the oven, but that's the best cookie dough I've ever eaten!" We all had a good laugh over that. And now it is time for the sleeper to go back to sleep and get over this damn cold!
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