the present's just a pleasant interruption to the past

I'm being pretty much eaten alive by my music history paper. It's like the paper that wouldn't end, honestly. I have gotten as far as to write about the twelfth variation -- two more to go, and then analyzing the "enigma within" and a conclusion. I think it will be manageable. I'll have to work my ass off on it tomorrow after classes and maybe even on Friday before I go home. I went to Crossroads for supper tonight as usual, and got roped into going to a church in Lake Crystal to talk to eighth and ninth graders about justice as part of their confirmation class. They were rather untalkative; I think it might have been the fact that they were in groups with their parents. I remember that stage ... parents just didn't understand. I get it. I was there too. I was a group leader with Ben from orchestra. Since I met him at the beginning of the school year I thought he was terribly interesting. I wish I could get to know him better; I think we'd get along very well, but I don't know how that's going to happen. At least we'll be in orchestra together again next semester. I just feel like if I can get through this semester I'll be okay. Things will inevitably get better if I can just survive until my birthday.
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