big scary victims final

I woke up early this morning, like 7:30 early. Sick again. This is getting old, honestly. I headed over to the PA as soon as I was relatively functional and studied for Victims until around 10:00. Then I practiced for an hour. Yay cello! My wrist was hating me for it, but overall it wasn't too bad. I wish I could practice longer, but that's about my physical limit. I went into the music library and finished my studying for Victims before the big scary final at 12:30. I'm glad I studied; it wasn't really that bad. I knew my stuff. If I get a B in that class, I will throw a party. No joke. I planned to study with Wes and Tyler at 15:00, so I had some time to kill. I went back to my home sweet home - where else? - the PA. Adam saw me and asked, "What's up?" I said, "It's raining." "No!" he said. "I blame you because you're the first person to inform me of this." "What?! That's not how it works!" Oh Adam. He's funny. Then we were sitting across the music library from each other and he pointed outside and said, "Your fault." I laughed. Studying for astronomy was sucky, but a necessary evil. The three of us spent the whole time complaining about how much we hated astronomy. I have to work tomorrow morning, so this was really the only time I had to study for it. I could have done it yesterday or this morning, but honestly, I'm more worried about my Victims grade than my astronomy one. Jacob facebooked me and wished me luck on my finals. He's already home. I wish he was still here for Crossroads tomorrow. :( But we exchanged phone numbers, so if we happen to be in each other's hometown we'll call. Side note: I didn't realize he was so much older than me. He's almost two years older. Maybe it's the maturity level (or lack thereof) that I like about him. Tonight I went to the CRU picnic. It was moved from Highland Park to the A-O truckstop (it's actually someone's house, but that's what they call it) because of the rain. There were a lot of people there, but I didn't know very many. I felt more uncomfortable there than I did at the dance. Oh well. I'll try again next year, when everybody's new. Carissa showed up a little late and asked if I wanted to go to Applebee's with her and some people from her floor. Since I knew them, I jumped at the chance. Applebee's was a lot of fun. I had a hot fudge sundae dessert shooter and it was delicious. We all just talked and told stories and laughed and took pictures. It was me, Carissa, Katie D. and her roommate Heidi, Rick, Sam, Tanya, and a guy I didn't know named Marcus. I don't know what I'm going to do this summer. Maybe I won't have much time to socialize, but it seems like I had finally found some good friends to replace those I lost when I stopped going to Intervarsity, and then school is over. I think I'll miss Crossroads the most, but I met a few really cool music majors and just random people too that I wish I could get to know better. Who knows what will happen next year?
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