the good-bye cake

Rachel is going to make coffee and study for her Victims test tomorrow write in her sitDiary. I woke up this morning and almost forgot it was Wednesday. But I didn't, thankfully, and got up to go to music history, then work. It was amazing outside today, so work was pretty awesome. And the older Security van was in the shop again, so the new one was out and about. Shawn let me ride in it for a little while. It's pretty spiffy inside. All the habituals are coming up negative now because people are frantically paying their outstanding fines so they can register for next semester's classes or graduate. Oh well. I liked doing clamps in the winter because then my supervisors would let me sit in the van and warm up while they clamped a car, but now that it's so nice out it doesn't matter to me. I went to lunch with Kimberly after work. I was all scruffy and gross; I really needed a shower. There was some kind of event going on near the fountain, with free cotton candy and sno cones. They ran out of sno cones before I got off work though. Everyone was outside in their summer finest. I feel kinda pale, but that will change soon. :) I went over to Crossroads early to make Pastor Elaine's cake. Kimberly and Andrew helped. Actually, Kimberly took over so I didn't wreck it! :) Andrew offered his commentary from his current issue of Popular Science, and I accidentally let Pastor Elaine's cookies burn. My bad. But we frosted the cake and Kimberly wrote "Thank you! We will miss you" on it in green icing. I tried to pick it in the liturgical color for this season, but I didn't know what it was. Turns out it's white and gold. So now I have all this extra frosting around my room that I don't know what I'll do with it. Eat it, probably. Bad Rachel! Then we sneakily passed a card around under the table without Pastor Elaine noticing and everyone there signed it. It's too bad not everyone could make it tonight. We presented Pastor Elaine with the cake and the card, then everyone proceeded to eat the cake and left soon thereafter. I've been packing all the unnecessary stuff from my room. It's shocking how much there actually is. I swear, I come to school, move in, and then stuff just accumulates. I think I definitely have more stuff than at the beginning of the year. I also have to sort through it to determine what is staying home until fall and what's coming back with me to summer school in mid-May.
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