rocket surgery and strawberry blowjobs

I bet the title is what made you read this. :) Here's the rundown on my Monday. I was late to music history because my alarm didn't go off. I woke up at 7:55, threw on some clothes and ran to the PA. It was worth it though; we talked about Hindemith's music and how he never has a key signature, so Lindberg was challenging us to find the tonal center. And Braden comes out with, "How many licks does it take to get to the tonal center?" Then I worked for three hours and went to my cello lesson. Both were fairly uneventful, I guess. But leaving from my lesson, a poster caught my eye for the WAMSO Young Artist Competition. I'm seriously considering entering, but I'm not sure if I'll be prepared by next January. We'll see. Then I printed out most of the rest of my old sitD until my printer started complaining about not having enough toner. Oh well. I can pick up some more when I go home and finish it later. While this was going on I was doing laundry and running errands around campus, like dropping off my loan info for summer school (it's official now; I'm stuck here until June 20), returning library books, making a dentist appointment for the summer, getting information on my major's requirements, and getting food. Yay. I had MSO tonight! It was brutal tonight, but fun. We started the repertoire for the May 11 concert; it's all gypsy music and a Brahms violin/cello double concerto for our soloists. Part of my title is actually from rehearsal; Ken was telling the violins to follow us (the cello section) because we were playing steady eighths and he said, "Come on, people, it's not rocket surgery." I think he meant to say either "brain surgery" or "rocket science." During break, a few of us were discussing how many people can fit in the various lockers in that hallway, so I opened my cello locker and we fit me, Christine, and Mark in it. Martha thought we were crazy, but she laughed so hard when I told her that I had changed clothes in my locker after the last orchestra concert because I didn't want to walk all the way around the building to the bathroom. My hand hurt like none other when rehearsal was over; I was fantasizing about being a professional cellist again and then I played in rehearsal and was disappointed that it couldn't be that way. But that's another story and shall be told another time. Kimberly had asked if I wanted to go to swing dance, and I really wasn't sure if I did because I was tired and sore and I hadn't called Neil back yet like I said I would, but I went anyway. It was fun, even without my own partner. I saw Jake and Wes from Crossroads, and danced with Megan D. from high school. I was watching Kimberly and Andy dance and thinking about this weekend and how I feel about my high school friends. I could see the two of them that much to me too. After a little while, Andy, Kimberly and I left to go to Wal-Mart. Bad idea! We were all really hyper and we crashed from that while we were in the store. I was pointing stuff out to Andy and then giggling like crazy. Some highlights: "NECTAR!" and "Look at the cookies that are like circles." Or when I was opening every single Axe bodywash on the shelf and smelling it. :) Yet another reason I never need to get drunk; I can be like that sober as long as I'm super tired! I bought deodorant because I needed it and apples because they looked yummy. But the late-night Wal-Mart run is where the other half of the title comes from; in the car we were talking about how in ASL, the sign for strawberry is similar to the one for blowjob ...
Read 5 comments
Thanks for the comment. And that's totally true, I know how it is. And there has been a few annonymus comments on my page, and I'm unsure of whom left them. So I'm guessing it's someone I know, because they left a comment about my ex on there. So I definitely don't want to put this guy out there either. Just knowing how my eex is with things, he'd probably do something stupid. But thank you again, and your a cello player? That's amazing
you must practice a hell of a lot to have those strings down pat. I don't even think I could manage a violin let alone the cello. That's a great talent, don't even give it up.
and I know what you mean about being hyper and going crazy. It's like your fucked up, and your still sober.. Lol, those were the days. I wish I was still like that girl. You have alot of good things going for you, don't screw them up!
Idk in a way I want some people to read my entries that I haven't talked to in a while.. So that's the only reason I leave it open, but otherwise I know I could block nonusers out.. But there is an old friend that i'd love for her to actually take the time to look and read some of my entries. I guess I just keep holding on to an old friendship that we used to have.. And that is amazing, you still play even with medical problems.. you must
love playing.. that's amazing, and I admire the fact that you still play regardless of how your body is reacting.. that's very inspiring.