a social life, or lack thereof

I'm finally done with homework. It's 22:00. In all fairness, I had to waste some time because I didn't have the second book for Diversity, but Carissa brought it over about an hour ago. And I did get ahead on reading for health because Neil's coming tomorrow! I am so mentally exhausted right now. I am totally ready for bed. Getting up at 6:30 every morning is rough right now (even for a morning person like me) but I'm going to get used to it if it kills me. And it's not like I'm going to bed late. I've decided 23:00 is my lights-out curfew. I worked out today for the first time since January! I know, I know . . . guilt piles up, if you know what I mean. It felt good though. I went on the elliptical for almost an hour, watched another episode of Life online. I need to bring back a season of NCIS so I can watch it when I work out. Good plan. Side note: the season 5 finale of NCIS was tonight and I missed it. :( Sad day. I went to a floor meeting and did homework instead. How studious of me. I think my diet is a ton better now too. Well, at least it's homemade. Or fresh. I'm not living on canned soup and mac & cheese out of a box, anyway. Today I made lunch and I was so proud of myself, I took a picture of it. No joke. I made french toast and a meat & cheese omelet. Baby steps into the world of feeding myself. I feel like all I'm going to be doing this summer is studying. Hopefully everything settles in and I can manage. If not, there goes my social life. Not like I had one in the first place. When she dropped off the Diversity book, Carissa left the offer to hang out open, but I don't think hanging out is going to happen. Studying together, reading together, maybe. We'll see. I don't want to become a hermit or anything. I didn't practice today, and Neil's coming tomorrow so I probably won't tomorrow either. Oh well. The Shostakovich is not memorizing itself! (Hint: this paragraph means I'm anxious about it.) And I haven't been in the PA enough to chance running into Katie J., and that definitely needs to happen soon. I found out today I live two doors down from Jacob's ex-girlfriend Rachel, who the boys talked a lot about last Thursday. Hmmm. Interesting.
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Yeah, once I got into college, then ran outta money, I actually had to make my own food and it was shitty at first haha. 2 bucks!?!? lucky bastard.