Band Camp 3

I hate pink. Today was section spirit day and my section decided to be (eww) Barbies of all things. I mean, there was the idea of Coyboys and Indians and that would have been so much cooler (not to mention less pink). I mean, I can stand pink in minimal amounts but not when there are thirty something girls all wearing it. Of course, then there was the sax section who were "pink and fluffy" or something like that. That was interesting... Dallan, Trevor, Josh, and Anthony (I'm not including Kasey (???) because that is totally something that I can see him doing more than just for spirit day...rather disturbing, that). Anyways, all in all it was a pretty good day. The guard (me+30 something other girls) relearned the Ballad so that we could put it with the drill we got on the field yesterday. This show is going to be so cool I cant wait until we get the drill for closer...its gonna rock. We are going to kick all the other bands outta the water. P.S. We beat AF in the Days of '47 parade competiton thingy. :D Thats so good. 1 competition down....all the rest to go.
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Sorry about not inviting you to do stuff at my house, dear. But Johanna sort of planned it and I didn't even know that people were coming over until they all showed up at my house. Forgive me?