I don't know what it is but I just feel really tired. But I've been sleeping. Can't think why... I think me and David are going to go and do something on Saturday. He emailed me and told me to call him but I haven't had time so I emailed him back and told him to call me if he can do something on Saturday and what he wants to do. Hmm.... KJ had a movie party last Saturday night...that was interesting... Grief. Bleh. I really need a life outside of marching band (maybe that's why I am so tired all the time...) Ooh and I am going to be gone tomorrow and Wednesday because of the Catalyst, which is SV's literary magazine. Its gonna be fun! I'm excited. :D
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but in my case I was playing with thoughts, and feelings, that I shouldnt even think about playing with untill I am older, and more ready.