Ahh, its nice to sit still and know that I don't have to move or go anywhere for a few hours. So, school was great. Boring...but great, except for debate which is always fun, I like it muchly. After school me, KJ, Dani, and Kim went to get our food handlers permits (that class is the most pointless lame class) and then went to Wendy's to eat before having to be to band. We were all freaking out because call time was five thirty and we had about fifteen minutes, but when we got to the school we found out that the rest of the band hadn't been excused from rehersal for dinner yet, so we weren't late. The performance went well, I think. They had our parents come and march with us during a runthrough of opener...oh boy that was sure interesting. I sort of just hung out at the school for a bit afterwards with Landon, Stu, Niki, Jessica, Erin and Kyle. Boy was that an...uh...*cough* interesting time. Then I drove Joann home and came home and called work to get my schedule for work. Now I'm just sort of sitting here...writing this entry. I'd tried calling Lisa to see if she was home, see if she wanted to play for a little while, but she didn't answer so I decided to just come home and not get in trouble. *sigh* I kind of wish I could hang out with Lisa, we haven't played in ages. I feel like we need a good girl talk day. Hmm..maybe we should plan one one of these days....
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THAT'S who called me! Sorry, when you called I was literally running around the stage attempting to figure out what was going on... Les Mis is crazy. Stage crew--as of yet---has no idea what we're doing. But we're learning! Anyway... I love you! I may be able to hang out immediatly after school next week-ish...