
I hate needles. I had to go to a rhumetologist yesterday because of my achy joints and all that. He looked at the blood work that my regular doctor had had done, and said that my rhumetoid factor had come back positive (its a marker they look for in the blood, general found if one has rhumetoid arthritis) but he wanted to be totally and completely sure, so he had me get x-rays on my hands and feet, and take some blood to run more tests. I've got rhumetoid arthritis. One of the medications I am now on the doctor said is one that when its in a really really high dosage, is used to treat cancer patients, but even though my perscription is the other end of the extremity level (very low dosgae) its still toxic, so I have another medication (folic acid) to help counter act the side effects.
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I'm so sorry dear! That sucks... hey, it's 7:15 p.m. Wednesday, and I'm back from Salt Lake. If you get this message... we should hang out!!!