On our own

Its been a month since me and Noah moved into our own apartment. And I gotta say, my stress level has gone done considerably. Its amazing what will happen when you no longer live with your mother-in-law...

On the down side, the apartment is tiny, but its ours so I'm not really worried about it. Its month-to-month, which means that if we find something bigger for just a little more we can move easily.

I'm also starting to get more hours at work, thank goodness. Its about time, too. I'm scheduled for so many hours next week, I'll make the same in that one week as I did in my paycheck for the last two.

Hopefully I'll also be getting a job at the new cupcake shop opening like half a block away from Old Navy. Temptation Cupcake is what its called. They opened yesterday and are supposed to be calling for interviews sometime next week. Hope I hear from them. OH! And Hollie is also trying to get a job out there, so I super hope we both get hired so that we can work together. Aw yeah!

Now if only I had an apartment I could have a pet in.....

Life is good......

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