Its been a long time since I wrote. It is now a new year. 2010. Weird. Even weirder is that for January it is very warm outside right now. Okay, so its only about 30° outside. But given that earlier this week it was below zero, 30° is nice.

Don't feel like I'm really going anywhere with life. Just kind of...existing, ya know?

Noah and I got a 20 gallon fish tank, and right now have five fish and a crab it in. Two tiger barbs, two rosy barbs, and a rainbow shark. My sister-in-law gave me a 1.5 gallon tank for Christmas that currently is housing two orange and yellow guppies and a zebra fish. Also, tomorrow I think, we're getting more fish for our tank, because I guess you aren't supposed to do very many fish at a time, or else it overloads the tank. Didn't know that.

Anyways, still half-trying to find a second job. Not working very well. I'm just very happy that I have the job I do have. There are a ton of people not as lucky.

Noah's trying to find a new job too. Been an interesting few weeks.

Oh and I'm trying to get approved for health insurance. I'm behind on my labs that I'm supposed to get every two months....haven't gotten my blood work done and checked and whatever since right before I got married. And I had to reschedule my doctor's appointment. We really just don't have the money to pay for all of the stupid stuff that is my medical crapity schmack. *sigh* Just keep hoping that I get approved and get coverage and everything soon.

I hate arthritis.

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