Sooo. I got my cell phone taken away today in 4th hour, and that didn't really make me mad because yeah I shouldn't have had it out. I asked Hansen if I had to wait until after the cheer leader installment assembly or if I could just get it after 5th hour was over and he told me that I could. I walked into his class after 5th hour and he changed his mind and told me I had to wait until 2:30 to pick it up. Right now I'm sitting in the computer lab singing along to the music that's on and wishing time would go faster. I'm getting my wisdom teeth taken out tomorrow. Bleeh. I'm not exactly looking forward to that, because when I mentioned it to my rhumetologist yesterday he got a little worried, and told me not to take the medication I take every week this week or next week; its because my medication is one that is kind of toxic so it makes my immune system a little weak, which means that if I were on it, I wouldn't heal as fast as I should, and I would have greater risk of getting an infection, which ould be miserable. Anyways, I'm done for now. Laters all.
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Hey Love! Yes, it's THAT Brady. He told me about you guys fighting in middle school. He says he was generally a jerk in middle school. lol. But he is SO nice to me, and thanks for being happy for me. A lot of people aren't... Sigh. If they only knew him like I did. Oh well. I love you a lot! Good luck with the wisdom teeth! I'm going out of town but I will try to visit you on Monday, okay love? You are my darling girl!!!
WOW I LOVE YOUR BACKGROUND. So cute. Anyway. Not at all what I was going to say. I'm glad Brady has been nicer to you. And I'm not entirely sure when I'm coming back from vacation... but I will definitely try my hardest to see you on Monday. Love you muchly!
hey babe... i'm going to visit you on saturday... kay? i luv you hon... sorry you are felling so achey and sore