i wish someone would invent floating beds

Listening to: wintermute- comfort
Feeling: sluggish
i bolded all that apply. *snuck out of the house *gotten lost in your city *saw a shooting star *been to any other countries besides the united states *had a serious surgery *gone out in public in your pajamas *kissed a stranger *hugged a stranger *been in a fist fight *been arrested *laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose *pushed all the buttons on an elevator *swore at your parents *been in to love [i am] *been to a casino *been skydiving *broken a bone *been high *skinny-dipped *skipped school *flashed someone *saw a therapist *done the splits *played spin the bottle *gotten stitches *drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour *bitten someone *been to Niagara Falls *gotten the chicken pox *kissed a member of the opposite sex *kissed a member of the same sex *crashed into a friend's car *been to Japan *ridden in a taxi *shoplifted *been fired *had feelings for someone who didnt have them back *gone on a blind date *lied to a friend *had a crush on a teacher *celebrated mardi gras *been to Europe *slept with a co-worker *been married [i am "married" to hayden] *gotten divorced *had children *seen someone die *seen to Africa *Driven over 400 miles in one day *Been to Canada ok i had too ok. these things are fucking amazing! what kind of dad wakes you up when you're comfortably sleeping next to your mom on her bed? next time i'll handle him ;] & yes i've never had the chicken pox
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yeah .. :(
I'm 14...too young i know. My parents don't know but my boyfriend and I will be telling them together after my pregnancy test proves to him I'm actually pregnant. I wouldn't say Im being forced and if it was completely up to me I would be leaving adn having the kid on my own so I wouldnt be ruining my boyfriend life...but he wont hear of it. He says i "cant have this kid" I'm feeling disgusted...with myself...I donno. It's all hard to accept.
i've had the chicken poxes more then once - so ha.

and yes you should love me because i'm completely worth it.
that nerses is one wise s.o.b.

i guess i should read more of this before i make any sudden judgements.

we used protection and we were careful...ive heard that a million times. my boyfriend is 16, and no he just wants to be sure.