soccer tryouts

Feeling: sorry
Okay so soccer try outs started monday, and there are so many CLUB girls trying out. EWWW! i haaateee it, i now know that i won't make it. Me and Carly are trying out together and we just know we won't make it because these girls have been in Eagles for such a long time. Damnit, i knew i should have stayed in Eagles.=( Hm, so now i'm extremly sore from the practices. funnn, nooot.. I know that i won't make the team, so when my mom finds that out, she is going to be really pissed off..I hate the fact that i can never make her proud, i hate that i always dissapoint her, or make her mad.I hate seeing that look on her face.."yOu cOuLd haVE dOnE beTter.." greaaat I babysat last weekend on Saturday, and i told Crystal and Mike ((the kids parents)) that i had to be home at a decent time because i need enough sleep so i can go to church tomorrow. So they tell me that they will be home BY 9:00..perfect time, fine with me..but did they come home at nine like planned? no..they come home at 3:15 AM those jerks. i was SO pissed off, and when they got home..Mike goes "your still here?" and i was just like "uhh YEAH" and he goes "why?" and i'm like thinking to myself, wtf is wrong with you? you want me to leave your 7 month old baby home alone sleeping upstairs? yeah, asshole i don't think so. Whatever though, they needed me this whole week..and i never picked up my cell phone or called them back because i'm too pissed off at them. I mean, why be a dick to me about it? yeah, eff you jerks..see if i babysit for YOU again! mwahahah! :) My mom is bringing home a Pizza, yay? i don't know, i'm still pretty pissed off that i can never measure up to what she wants me to be..eww too much thinking..haha okk im ouuut, thanks for the comments..laaateeeee..!!
Read 5 comments

i've missed you too and who wouldn't miss me? i mean cmon... lol jk

*sloppy kisses you*

why don't you come over and babysit me? RAWR! lol

love ya!!

I've never understood why parents are soo obssessed with their children being perfect. Its never going to happen. People want to do their own things in life. you know?

I'm just fine chickadee. Have a good weekend!!

whoot! i love the starting line.
oh BABY!

haha. your comment text amuses me.

i had to babysit yesterday. 2 little boys, one 7 and the other 9 or 10, i believe. they both wanted me to carry them around the whole time and use them as guns. so my arms were a bit sore after those 6 hours or so just running while carrying them.

and then i took my little sister trick-or-treating...and she likes to walk to EVERY HOUSE IN THE ENTIRE GALAXY.

ah yes, and good luck with tryouts. i know how those can be.

just remember to watch out for slippery bleachers while in cleats.

and if you dont make it, ill take out all the people who did. and then youw ill definitely get to play.

oh BABY.