i hope you need this now..

Feeling: excited
...cuz i know i still do kelsey's party SUCKED. there was like, 60 people there..which was cool but you know. me, barrett and colin watched meet the fockers. and then after that, on the tv was just a screen saver where it was a square bouncing around the tv screen. we sat there for about an hour just staring at the box seeing if it would hit any of the corners. it didn't. but we were extremly amused by it. i stayed the night at Desiree's that night, which was a lot of fun because i hadn't hung out with her in FOREVER. we went to bed around like 2, then woke up at like 10..haha it was a lot of funnnnn =) this morning we watched THE GIRL NEXT DOOR starring ELISHA CUTHBERT. goddddddd damn. she is soooooooo gorgeous, and she has my name. YES♥ hahah i love her! hm, anyways. that was a cute movieee. i need to finish cleaning my room. and ALLISON is coming over right now ! =) i'm so excited, i haven't seen her since she switched schools..well, i saw her this morning as she was driving to malibu..but yah. now she is coming back over from malibu to hang out with meeeeeee =) jeez, i still have to take a shower and get ready for her to come over. so i think i will go and do that now. adiosssssssss! ♥ JENNIFER GREENHALL, I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU SO MUCH♥ swedish fish = LOVE.
Read 8 comments
sounds like your pary u went to was kinda...fun...? lol. yeah...i don't want u getting to excited about the way we speak over here cuz i don't want u throwing ur self on all the guys. if a bloke throws a quick "g'day" to ya, i don't want u going to bed with him, alright? lol. and on a different note...if i say g'day to ya...then i guess u can throw me in to bed...just cuz i like you soooo much
i want a comment off you that will make me smile....i miss ur "pumped up" comments
oh my fucking god. WHERE ARE YOU?!
i need you soo bad.
& im so lost without my swedish fish right now.
i think im going a little crazy without you.
i dont know what to do, im so confused.
so much is happening, but to everyone else besides me its nothing.
i cant help but make a such big deal of everything.
but you know, theres still that theory of faith you taught me.
yes, i still have it. god, i love you.
i hope everything is going well with you & youre having fun.
i cant wait to talk to you, which is hopefully soon.
i love you & sweet grandma ♥
can you like hint what u want to give me when u cum over here? cuz if i know what u are going to give me, or like sorta know, then i can get u somethings that are just as good. it's really scary the first thing that came into my mind when i thought what i could give you...damn. but give me a few hints as what u are going to give me.
"sex time" that made me laugh. hwne is ur birthdat, cau i can't touch u until u are 16 years old..sooooo there
who is xsunshinebabix i knida freaked when i saw all the love that u two give to each other

do you want to die cuz im GOING to kill you

i love you BEST freind haha thats so funny.

today was FUN! to the max.
i know, it sucks hey? its cuz of school...it's just crazy dude. i might be on at 11pm 2morrow night, but if i aren't the i won't get to talk to you for 2 days. sooo wednesday 11pm if not 2morrow. and don't worry too much, cuz once u get here we can tallk for hours.
peace to you
ps- if u get here in less than 4 months u can see me in our prosuction thingy...:)
i comment you too much...lol...don't let it bother you that we don't get to talk all that much. all it means is that u look more forward to talking to me the next time...more stories to share and more laughs...