hair cuts are cool =)

Listening to: the used
Feeling: busy
i cut my hair yesterday. four inches off, and layered. i liked it at first, now i'm not so sure. whatever i should grow into it. my mom and i have been fighting a lot more than we usually do, and it's really getting out of hand because she is telling me that i should be in a mental hospital and that i have serious issues? she said that if she gets a call from the school, that it's off to boot camp for me and i'm getting send to my dads?! FUCK YOU BITCH. over my dead body i will go to my dads. and even if i DO get sent there, i know i'll just end up running away and either rachael,marilyn or craig will come pick me up, take me back to camarillo and i'll stay with rachael or marilyn. staying at marissa and melanies would be too risky. but all i know right now is that i have to start goign to a pscycologist. or however the hell you spell it? how fucking stupid though. maybe my mom should be the one going there with me, she's so fucking stupid. i tried slapping her, but she grabbed my hand and practically broke my hand off. i should report her. stupid cunt. i got called into peer mediation. ashley told the fucking office that i wanted to beat her ass. WHAT A FUCKING PUSSY. DO NOT talk shit, run your mouth, spread rumors, etc..& think you can get away with it. whatever, the second i got there and saw ashley i started laughing. then about 2 minutes later natasha came into the room and was shaking her head saying that this was ridiculious. the second i got into the room,the peer mediators were fucking bitches to me, rude! the peer mediation lady asked me my name and i rolled my eyes at her and told her this was bullshit and that i had nothing to say to her. i pointed directly at ashley and was like "that bitch knows what the fuck she did and thats all there is to say" and mrs mills looks at me and says "listen, do you have any disrespect for me?" but she said it so rudely, and fucking...ugh! i just wanted to spit in her face. so i told her "yeah, i do have disrespect for you. first off, don't talk to me like i'm a little girl. i know whats going on here and i know why i'm here. and secondly, don't disrespect me and think you're going to get respect from me" so she started btiching at me how i am "not allowed" to swear at her and that it was disrespectful. umm, like i fucking care what she thinks? if the school care so much about this whole problem, and they were here to stop it before it happened, i would have been called in for peer mediation a LONG time ago, they were just late. so she basically told me that i could either stay there and work it out, or i could go to the AP ( assistant principal ). i chose to go to the AP. fuck being there with ashley. she would just lie and try and be a little girl about it, FUCK THAT. so i get escourted to mr. fisher's office, and he loves me by the way so he basically just sat there telling me that if i hit her on school campus i'd get expelled and arrested. school is fucking lame. but i told him that if she hit me first, i'm hitting her back for sure. but i know she won't come up to me because she is fucking TERRIFIED of me. good, she should be. when rachael came to pick me up that day at lunch, we passed by ashley and travis and rachael started screaming at her telling her she was a fucking slut and that rachael was going to kill her, hahaha. it was soo funny, i couldn't help but laugh because rachael is so small, and was screaming her head off at ashley. and of coarse, ashley continued rachael screams "YEAH, KEEP WALKING BITCH..THATS WHAT YOURE BEST AT" hahahahahahaha. i fucking love rachael. i didn't go to 5th or 6th period that day. so after school we picked up jessica and jandrea and we went to ashely & travis's 6th period (they have it together). the second ashley saw us she started crying and went and fucking told her teacher and of COARSE calls mr senesac into it all. haaaaaaa, so we left and told her that we owned her life. psh, we basically do. what a fucking little pussy. on monday me, marilyn, jackie, rachael, natasha, melanie and marissa went to travis's house and wrote all over his car. "you are a fag" "ashley is a slut" "fuck you and your small penis" hahahahahahahaha. he posted a bulletin on myspace saying how he felt loved and that he loved it. hahaha. i know he was home that day because his trucks were there at his house. but when we went to ashleys house, she wouldn't come outside so rachael goes up to the door and rang the doorbell. of coarse, no answer. so i started screaming from the car "ashley you fucking pussy get the fuck out of your house now, you can't fucking hide forever bitch. i don't care if i have to fucking tresspass and drag your ass out here, YOU ARE FCKING DIEING TODAY" so we all left because she didn't come out, we go to the store and buy fucking 36 eggs. HAHAHAHAHAHA. god, it was pure heaven that day. we came back to ashleys house and billy, nick and DANIEL...ASHLEYS BROTHER... came outside and started yelling at us telling us not to disrespect ashley. and we all started screaming at them and nick goes "get the fuck out of here before i beat all of your ass's" UMM OKAY NICK, YOU DIDN'T EVEN FUCKING LIKE ASHLEY ABOUT TWO DAYS AGO. what the fuck everrr. me, rachael, marissa and jackie were the only ones who were like "IF YOURE GOING TO BEAT OUR ASSES, GE THE FUCK OVER HERE AND DO IT NOW" hahah we were so into it, it was fun. as we started leaving we threw the eggs at them =] wow. so that was my weekend kindaaaa. i can't believe nick said he would beat our asses, what a fucking dick. on a happier note.. i went to the snow with melanie and marissa, and some random mexican hit me in the face with a snowball. jerk. so i tackled him to the ground, HAHAHA. and he was like "no no senorita! no senorita!" ahhaha and then he threw more at me and melanie! so i kicked him, what a jerk. andddd i had after school class today. it was fun because i just signed in and left. abe drove us to gary's house and we hung out with gary, tj and robb. they are SO AWESOME. and funny, i was crying from laughing so hard from being with them. abe and robb drew all over my binder too, gangsta statussssssssss =) they all said i was hardcore and badass, and they want me to hang out with them tomorrow at school. after school vernece wanted to show me this new guy at our school. sampson? i think he's from a different country. his style of clothes is pretty weird but he's a cutie, kinda. haha. and he kept staring at me, weirdo? as me and vernece were walking away she was like "he was TOTALLY checking you out" haahh. who knows what will happen with that. oh and boys are fucking stupid. like, relationships in fucking general. getting so fed up with them now..not even worth the heartbreak. i dont care how happy i'd be with one, they just aren't worth that not even going to try anymore. k so i wrote a lot tonight and i'm going to stop. goodnight!
Read 4 comments
why do you think she's going to come out of her house or walk over to your car if you are threatening to kill her? seriously, that's really lame elisha and i don't see how it's so entertaining. they obviously aren't going to do anything cause you've been doing stuff for awhile now, so wat are you waiting for? just stop and have fun with your friends instead of giving that girl all your focus. i love you and miss you, don't take that as me being
a bitch because i'm not trying to be. it just seems like you can do better stuff with your time. come back soooooon < 333333333
oh yeah, and i lovelovelovvvvvvvvvelove your hair ♥♥♥♥♥
The coolness of your tye-dye shirt over mine is questionable.

Speaking of your foreign friend, I got a nice ego boost because this really hot (but also probably gross and std ridden) girl was actively checking out my ass. Then again, my pants were so tight I think everyone more or less was. It was like the just couldn't look away.
Haha wow what an awesome day that was, I have so many good memories.

Fuck that bitch up,