Not really... but sort of?

I don't know but it's rather gay :o/

I wish I could be lazy...
*Sniffle Tear* :o(

happy birthdayyy =]
hope it was amazingg
loove youu
Happy birthday to the max!

You may or may not be able to drive depending on where you live! Whoopieee!
haha, happy sixteenth! Although, I really don't think any of us girls REALLY ever get sweet.

The black out didn't last very long. I got back in school on tuesday. When I heard on the news that my school would be open, my joy suddenly disappeared. And you know whos fault that is? JEB BUSH! That's right! The stupid presidential monkey's brother (and florida's governor) Can we kill him toooo?
That would rock.

Carrie <33
Happy belated-ish birthday. =)

its your birthday...

youre so old

boy it seems like only yesterday you were fifteen...

ah, i miss davy and i miss you =[.
im lonely!

happy sweet sixteen loverfaceeeeeeeeee< 3333333333 i love youuu : )
hope you had a fabulousisihly delicious day sill y♥
it sounds like it was perfect. ahh so exciting! im glad you had a wonnderful yesterday and today! haha :)looove u


your birthday dinner looks quite tasty.

Naptime ... man oh man. those were the days. I don't actually think i ever had naptime in class except when we were studying relaxation for two days in health freshman year.
happy birthday!!!

btw that picture is really cute
lol BRILLANT. such a good idea. sweet 16? your still not sweet =p. but please dont beat me up for that one. got 2nd degree sun burn from the beach all day saturday. im dying =[. tell jen I love her. that way she knows before I die. I have sun poisoning =[. lol its bad but im not going to die, take care of her for me =p.
happy birthday...
hell yes. i'ma badass muthafukka.
: P
there wasn't any actual expected response. just wondering. lol. it's murdoch's birthday thing tomorrow. WOO. gonna get smashed, muthafukka.
well, if i can be asked to go out.
: P
well that sure as shit was an unexpected response, but i'm THERE!!!
: P
thank yeeeeeeeeew!!! i kinda like the drawing, it's probably the only serious drawing i've ever done. what's it like to be able to legally have sex?
: P
happy birthday. :)
and happy 16th XD!!!
your cake (or whatever youre eating in the pic :P) looks yummy *drolls*
mmmm jack in the box. i wish we get jack in the box here :(
i used to sleep heckuva lot too. im probably having less and less time to spend on stuff i enjoy which is probably why i wound up subconsciously getting up earlier on saturdays, which kinda sucks.

all mothers go on about that waking up early thing, good thing about my mom is she never had a set bedtime for me, so ive been sleeping whenever since i was like, eight
i dont know if my hair is thinning. maybe because the hairdresser layered it and stuff, so myeah. its probably less tangled these days, which is probably why i think its thinning, because id run through my hair and i dont run into tangles and stuff...yeah. lets just hope im not losing any hair for ridiculously large amounts i mean :P

you showing up at my front door would be fun...make sure you have the chips and dip ready :P