TGIF <33333333

Feeling: placid
Well, thank god for WEEKENDS =) Today i have to do a stupid german video. with two girls that absolutely hate me.. greaaaat. And since they hate me so much and want me to fail german 2, their not going to bother calling me when were doing the video. So i'm going to have to call them and find out whats happening. so lame.. I want to rearrange my room. And i need a new look to this sitDiary thing. It's starting to bore me. I'm getting my computer fixed on Sunday i think..? It has been tweaking out majorly. I have a B in math now =) I'm sooo happy! Now i just have to raise 4 more class grades, haha.Annnd while i'm mentioning grades, i also got a C on my biology quiz. That has to be the best grade i've gotten on a quiz//test in that class! hahah. Erik Von Detten= MAJOR HOTTIE
Read 8 comments
wait on a do german?? how come u never told me this before??
ich bin zen rot kase!! ja! und mien liblingsfach ist fussball....ja!
did you know what i just said??
i do german too! but i don't pay attention in calss no i ain' the best at it.
(don' tell my german teacher)
well babe...i am glad that u like getting comments from me...i almost wet my pasts when i read that u like getting commments from least
(cont) some one likes getting comments from me!
@ school the other day i said somthing about my queen and everyone laughed at was funny...
u are my secret queen...all
peace out gurl
love that song. It's my cell fone ring. :)
what's up with mike? i'm confused? I read all the entries back, and I didn't read anything about him?
i love you agent lover.

you are so sexy.

my beautiful queen,
i love getting ur comments too! they just make my day! i get home from a long ass day of school and i read ur comments and i feel all the better.
i don't care when we surf can be in any life time. the only thing is- u will be rippen' up the waves and i will be eating sand. u have every thing on me...i couldn't even surf better in my dreams, than you!!
i don't know what else to say. i am so happy that ---
(cont)--- you like my commments!
u wanna know about leah? she is just a friend these days...she lives 5 hours away from me, so nothing could happen between us.
my hands are sore cuz i played basketball at school yesterday and i was picking up the ball and my mate pushed this nerd kid on the ball so my hand went under the ball...and got rolled round on the blck hands are all ripped up now!
well queen...i might hit the sack
much love
(cont 2)--
p.s- how many boys have u kissed?? if u don't mind me asking...