
we havent talked in a while

then today i was all "OMG i miss her!"

so here i am, lol.

sorry you're grounded :( moms suck sometimes dont they?
= being grounded isn't fun.
no sirree.

but yeah you should check out googlism.com.
it's supacool. type in your name and it'll be all like "(your name) is....something really random and funny"

i got like.. "teresa is aging" and "teresa is my hero because she represents all that is good and holy in this world of pain and suffering" which really rocked my world.

aaah boo grounded. :(
Haha fuck your mom. Go runaway. lol Just kidding. At least you have like 2 days down already. Be happy. MWAH! lol I apologize for being so gay today...
hahaha...omfg I laughed for like an HOUR when I read your comment..."then I got hungry." You and I are SOOOO much alike. haha and I am still laughing. God I love you! lol
So how is being grounded...any possibilities of getting off the hook? I friggen love it when that happens. lol So how was your day?
sorry your grounded :[
Any plans for this weekend? Mom possibly let you go for at least one day?...lol Well either way I hope you have a good weekend babe.
Why are you grounded?

why are parents always so strict?