soon to be lifeguard =)

me and marissa signed up to become lifeguards, and the class to take was in total, around $230 dollars. so we agreed to take this class together and become lifeguards at the same pool or around hte same area. cool right? well, this weekend my mom and gene are up in napa, so my mom couldn't drive me or marissa to any of the classes so i had to stay at marissa's house so cathy could take us. well, it started friday and all marissa did was complain. "it's making me sore" "i'm not sure to the chlorine" "my eyes hurt and so does my face" "my arms and feet and legs hurt" "it's boring" to make a looooong story today, sunday, she quits. she doesn't want to be making 9 dollars an hour because she wanted the easy way out. she DROPPED the class. she threw away $230.00 all because she can't suck it up for three more days.and it really sucked because cathy was suppose to take us to the lifeguarding thing all weekend, WELL...seeing as marissa wasn't going..she ended up wanting to go to santa barbara, so marissa went with her...adn they ended up LEAVING ME AT THEIR FUCKING HOUSE. yeah, thanks for the ride to you know the lifeguard class. so i had to call my mom, tell her what was happening and my mom had to call her close friends and ask them if they could go out of their way to take me to MY class. it was so fucking rude because my mom was counting on her. ugh, so that got my day starting off pretty shitty. but whatever, because it's just next weekend and then i can become a lifeguard and be rich with money =) my mom was putting so much pressure on me because of this lame class. she can be a huge fucking bitch sometimes and...i'd rather not say. sorry i've been so lazy with updating, that should change soon, promise =)
Read 3 comments
and you would rather not say...what?
that sucks about ur mates, they don't sound like they were really being the mates that they should.
i am trying to get more credit, so i can ring you, and slowly but surely it is happening.
u should write me an email sum time...cuz then i would have to reply to ya!!
have a good one
yeah we are. we actually have like, a realy big group i guess. my proms may 6th, whens yours?
whoa....lifeguarding sounds cool... and so does being rich that the other person dropped out...ah lazy people. yay for you being on spring break!

and cool background, love it