
hooray for 3 day weekends!< 3 no school monday & half day thursday. this week is going to go by pretty fast, yesssssss♥ so friday, after school i stayed the night at Melanie & Marissa's house. SATURDAY we went to Santa Barbara< 3 beautiful place. i love it there. We all went shopping for homecoming dresses. I found mine. I love it. homecoming should be awesome, it will be.. me & travis marissa & mike. and...well, maybe it won't be a bunch of people...but i just need marissa there, she is so much fun to be with. melanie is going to homecoming in OXNARD, with jose. it's going to be an egyptian theme there while we get an ocean theme. pretty cool... AHAHHA. Marissa & I think we should pull those out in oceanography. My dress was only like, 60 dollars- which is of coarse really good. Their mom wouldn't let them get a dress for that much because it was EXPENSIVE? she doesn't know anything obvisouly. She wanted to buy them something for like, forty bucks..which is REALLY hard to find a homecoming dress for only that much, jeez. parents these dayyys. but they are going back THURSDAY, so hopefully they will get the dresses they wanted. After getting our dresses we went to the pier and just walked on the beach, yay< 3 when we got onto the pier, we looked off onto the sand and there was a bunch of drawings in the sand...like, birds, twin towers, angels, torches, really patriotic stuff. it was awesome. they were lovely pictures♥ and made by three homeless guys? we payed them 4 something. but yay it was prettttyyyy. & really cool. until some little 5 year old boy comes and starts jumping on it, and ruining it. ugh, how fucking rude. and to think that his mom didn't do anything about it. me and marissa were running down the pier saying we were going to beat him up, hahaha. he was like " not if i ruuuunn! " what a little faggot. and then i guess his mom was telling him that they were going to miss their trolly, and he started running away saying stuff like "oh shit!" hahaha. we all of coarse, started laughing and he continued cussing at us. :[ POTTY MOUTH, BRAT. he called us fat fucks, and stupid fucks...and bitches. talk about some kid needing a spankinngggg. after alllllll that, we went back to their house, and fell asleep around 1:30. the next morning we had to wake up at like, 8:00 for church, ayye. :[ no sleeeepp = elisha grumpy.. it ended about an hour later, or whatever- and we went to the car to wait and leave. kathy and richard took forever to get back to the car, so marissa thought it would be funny if she drove and honked at them. it didn't turn out to well, the tires made really big skid marks ? something like that. and something about an emergency brake. hahahah. < 3 goooodness, then after that we got back to their house, watched napolean dynamite, ATTEMPTED to get music onto marissa's ipod, and fell asleep around 2:00. my mom picked me up at 4:30. THEN....i hung out with travis and mike arouuund, 7 or 8. yay< 3 i haven't seen travis in like..3 dayssss! so that was fun. oh jeez, halloween is coming up. me and marissa are going to be FRENCH MAIDS< 3 cute. Melanie is going to be a ladybug! :] i'm soooooo exciiiteeedd!! i guess this is all i'll write for tonight. i'm sleepy. goodnight.
Read 29 comments
Woa...your ex sounds like an ass. lol Good thing you realized it. Me? Awesome? awwww...thank you! lol He told me yesterday that he was coming to my 2nd period to talk to me. I have basketball 2nd, so he shows up today and played basketball with a bunch of guys and didn't say ONE WORD to me. I was sitting there like wtf? lol So when we were going inside I waved to him but that was it. Haha nice talk there Clayton. But my bf Shelby is on his side..
Like 8 of us were supposed to get a little crunk tonight and go to the local haunted house, but plans fell through, so I think we are going to the haunted house next weekend, but still drinking. lol Sweet. How is your weekend going?
He took me to the arcade. lol I laughed so hard when we first pulled up, but we ended up spending an hour and a half in there, and I won 43 tickets. lol I haven't been to an arcade since I was like 8. But he took me home at like 9 and I think he is sleeping over tonight!! My mom is out of town for another week...yess. lol
It was the sweetest thing..I hung out with Clayton Thurs after school, and he was trying so hard. I set my hand on his wrist and he moved his arm so that I was holding his hand, and he kept kissing me and telling me that he loves me so much. So finally I kissed him back and I asked him if we were back together now. He said yes, and I said "Agreed". lol It was awesome. Haha yesterday I made him dinner, then we went putt putting, and he took me...
What is it you will be doin on all hallows eve(halloween)?
Cause methinks you are too old for trick-or-treating, are you not?

hey bitttach suck it...

yaaahhh thats right

we needa hangout soon you looser face.
TOOODDDAY ..well tonight actually.. im going to new york to visit my bessst friend who moved there last year :D!!! hhaaha i've never been there before so it will be a lot of fun :)
no come back.
update fagmo
a trillion dollars would at least find out whether or not he is alive.

I told Caleb that he killed Edwardo. Caleb was confused.
he doesn't usually kill people.

So maybe Edwardo is still alive.

But what's more important, Edwardo? or the world? or my books, java, and fancy clothes?
yes i definately did NOT ditch i am not the ditcher. you areeeee.

well it kinda sucked lol. hopefullly you have a good time? how old are you?

and yes we do have good taste :)
don't we all wish we had 1 trillion dollars to give?
I hate you...you're wayyyy to photogenic. lol
Dammit my comments are too long. lol But anyway, that's why she was freaking out on me about it. But she's the kind of person that doesn't use common sense when it comes to relationships because she's soo "blinded by love" lol. She is reaaaaaallly clingy and then never knows what she did wrong. But she's cool. lol Well then I will most definately add you to my list!! :) lol
and she said that I need to take him back blah blah. Today in art we were taking notes on clay, and everytime I wrote down the word clay (which was alot) she would write "ton" after it. So that it read "Clayton". Haha I was like "Cut it out Shelby!" And she just kept telling me that I need to cry and take him back...but only because her boyfriend Jeremy broke up with her and she was in Clayton's position. lol But they are back together now.
yah either he's dead or he hates me too.

cute pictures.
i want those sunglasses.

i hate kids these days.
well...hooray for FIVE day weekends!
just rubbing it in, but im very bored.

stupid wednesdays.

davy turned twentyone last saturday. thats all i know. and me and my friend are bringing him a jones when we go to another show.♥

thats abotu all i know. im tired though.

how're you
I not jerk.

I do miss you.

Hopefully, I should be on all night on friday, and saterday, and with the time difference and everythin, we should be able to talk sometime through them 2 days
aww, the pictures are awesome. normally i'd tell you how pretty you are, but i'm not really sure which ones are you, lol. but that doesnt matter, im sure you're beautiful ;) lol.
i live like 20 mins away from Miami, FL.

those dresses in your entry.. the tanish one i think i have the SAME one in teal. and i tried on the one wiht the different shades of blue but it was a little different. my homecoming was last weekend. :)
Haha I thought that was really funny considering how happy I was that it was finally over. So I told him to give me at least 2 days. I mean jesus I thought this "break" would last at least 2 weeks. lol But when he told me that he had made me a list...I wanted him all over again. lol Oooh I am so excited for your homecoming! We had ours 2 weekends ago, it was fun. Well I guess I will see how these next 2 days unfold...
That's funny...the blue dress was the one that I was thinking omg I love that one! lol I told him today and he said, "Agreed." That one kind of hurt, but I was like yeah whatever I guess things were shittier than I thought. lol Well he calls me not an hour later saying that he just wants to be with me, and that he made ME a list, and got to 103. He said that he realized how much he really loved me, and that he didn't even want this break.
lol uhh i think i had a half day. lol how aree you!?
this is just a silly fantasy that my lover would meet me in portland. unfortunately, none of my lovers plan on being there as none of them have the means.

sigh. heh. oh well.
awe your pictures are so cute.
and yay for finding a homecoming dress <3

this is my new journal.
awwww...i wish i could have that much fun!!

♥i miss you♥
dang...we dont get jack in the box here :( sigh...

aaahh...three day weekends...we get one next week (labour day...YESSSS!)

heh. love those sunglasses in your photo.

five year old who call people "fat fucks"...badd. bad bad mouth. for a five year old. smack him hard!! RAH!

You're so pretty! haha you should've beat that kids ass. Well Clayton is being an ass so I am going to tell him I want a "break" tomorrow. lol Guess we will see how that works out. Which dress did you buy, is it in the picture?