end all boredom

IM BORED!!!! im home all alone and watching stupid shit and talken online..*YAWN* i want to talk on the phone. lalalala well how do i a like smiley face or face for my feeling??? and how can i get a background?? any ideas?? i need some help..pa-lease!!!! ooo talk bout bad luck..well i got a car..its a honda blue civic..metallic blue ,awesome color and a fucken nice body kit...well bac to the story my parents have been lettin me drive the car up the road or back it out of the garage and drive it lil down the road...well we were taken a friend home and i was starting the car up and well i just thought it was in reverse..well no not exactly..it was in drive and i hit the coal crate..my brother nate came running out the house to see wat happened so i guess it made a big noise but thank god!-it didnt make any dents nor scratches on it,...but my mom wont let me drive it for awhile..oooo wEll .ok we im so damnbored...got nothen else to say soo ta-ta. *the end is near*
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